Transaction Report / Webhook
This is a sample webhook that we send to you if you use a transaction via the POST / GET method.
We will send a report to your webhook every time there is a change in transaction status. Make sure to whitelist our IP:
Please keep in mind that you need to set your Webhook URL at our Reseller Portal. Once you update the URL, we will send a test request to your server, and you must return a successful response or you cannot save the URL.
"invoiceNumber": "BJO-RAPI-EC488CBEEAF0F413880659", // Invoice Number from BANGJEFF
"referenceNumber": "TESTING-001", // Your unique Transaction ID
"productName": "PUBG Mobile",
"variantName": "30 UC Indo",
"qty": 2,
"amount": {
"currency": "IDR",
"value": 6500
"totalAmount": {
"currency": "IDR",
"value": 13000
"voucher": "",
"statusDesc": "Transaksi berhasil!"
API (Deprecated)
"inputs": "12312312|1234", // Topup destination
"invoice_number": "BJxxxxxxxxxxxx", // Invoice Number from BANGJEFF
"last_balance": 21720, // Your last balance
"nickname": "GOLANG", // Topup Nickname / Account information
"reference_number": "123456798", // Your unique Transaction ID
"status_code": "SUCCESS", // Transaction Status. Expected : SUCCESS, REFUNDED
"status_date": "2024-09-05 09:48:13", // Last Updated
"status_desc": "Berhasil Terkirim", // Transaction Status Description
"total_price": 1200, // Price
"variant_code": "1403", // Variant Code from BANGJEFF
"variant_name": "1.000 Saldo", // Variant Name from BANGJEFF
"voucher": "XXX-XXX-XXX" // Voucher Code
H2H (Deprecated)
invoice_number BJxxxxxxxxxxxx. reference_number 123456798. variant_code MLBB5S9. variant_name 5 (5+0) Diamonds. nickname BangJeff. inputs 1234567891234. voucher 123-ABC-345-DEFG. total_price 1400. status_desc Transaksi berhasil pada 2022/08/17 09:47:34 WIB. status_code SUCCESS. status_date 2022/08/17 09:47:34. last_balance 2926638